Episode 2448 – On this Monday’s show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino review NSNG® 101 with cardio training for your general health, the benefits of Zone 2 training, and more.
NSNG® 101: Cardio Training
- Vinnie and Anna have another episode chock full of great information! Grab your pen and paper and take notes if you can! You may need to listen to this one a couple of times!
- A little chat about the movie “Vision Quest” leads into the topic for today: cardio training. (2:00)
- The show got a compliment the other day. (5:00)
- Vinnie is providing as many tools as he can, especially in the VIP group.
- Anna will be doing a cooking demo in the group soon.
- Aerobics or Cardio training is your friend. (7:45)
- Vinnie explains his approach to cardio goals. (10:00)
- Anna asks Vinnie about his longer hikes and what he takes with him.
- There are different ways to make exercise fun for yourself. (16:30)
- Vinnie often talks about an hour of cardio a day—it wasn’t that long ago that that was the norm.
- Now people spend more time on their phone or at a computer than they do doing cardio. (18:15)
- They discuss the idea of boredom during exercise. (19:00)
- There are a wide variety of ways to get cardio in.
- They also chat about getting sun in.
- Weight-bearing exercise: if you are an avid cyclist or swimmer, you still have to get on your feet and do weight-bearing exercise. (29:00)
- Weight-bearing exercise is how you build your bones up.
- Breaking up an hour of cardio into 2 or 3 parts is still great! (33:00)
All About Zones
- Zone 2: What is it and why does it matter? (35:00)
- He gives examples of all four Zones.
- Everything is working in your favor in Zone 2. (36:30)
- HIIT is in Zone 4 and no longer burning fat.
- Anna asks about needing sugar in the blood for homeostasis. (40:30)
- Yes, in Zone 4 you may—but it only takes 1 teaspoon, not “carb loading.”
- You are not maximizing your potential by doing HIIT every day. (41:00)
- Your body needs 3-4 days to recover after long HIIT workouts.
- Don’t go doing Zone 4 every day to give yourself an excuse to have a donut. You’re still damaging your body with the sugar.
- HIIT is only good for increasing your VO2 Max.
- Vinnie explains building up your VO2 Max. (45:00)
- For all the cardio he does, Vinnie only seldom does intervals.
- How do you calculate Zone 2 for yourself, and do you need a heart rate monitor? (50:00)
- You don’t need a super fancy or expensive heart rate monitor to get your basic info.
- You can just take your pulse, but that can be tricky.
- You don’t need a super fancy or expensive heart rate monitor to get your basic info.
- Vinnie shares how to calculate your Zone 2 heart rate. (57:15)
- Take 180 minus your age. (Do not use 220 as your starting point; that is for calculating *maximum* heart rate).
- If you are a sedentary person, then minus 5 points. If you are already in good shape, you can add 5 points.
- The goal is 70-79 % of your maximum heart rate.
- Anna reminds us of many different grocery store chains where you can find her amazing sauces!
- They discuss Anna’s upcoming Eat Happy Italian book. (47:00)
- You can preorder it from Vinnie’s Book Club. https://amzn.to/3ucIXm
- The documentary launched on January 11!
- Order it TODAY!
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
- Link to the film on Apple TV (iTunes):
- Then, Share this link with friends, too!
- It’s also now available on Amazon (the USA only for now)!
Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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- REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter!
- Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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- The more views, the better it ranks, so please watch it again with a new friend!
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