Vinnie and Anna chat with friend and fellow podcaster Jimmy Moore about his new book Keto Clarity, written with Eric… Read On & Hear The Podcast →
Angriest Trainer 285: Tony Portera, Badwater, Running & Weightloss
Temperatures can get up to 120 degrees during the 135 mile Badwater Race and Tony Portera has run it seven… Read On & Hear The Podcast →
Angriest Trainer 284: Matt Fitzgerald and NSNG Clarifications
Vinnie and Anna answer lots of clarifying NSNG questions including: What fruits are too sweet to eat and what fruits… Read On & Hear The Podcast →
Angriest Trainer 283: 1-on-1 with Nikki Kimball
Nikki Kimball was a cross-country skier by the time she was three years old. She did biathlons, which is a… Read On & Hear The Podcast →
Angriest Trainer 282: Shawn Stevenson and Sleep
Vinnie and Anna talk FODMAPS, quick weight loss, dietary ketosis, and then have a great convo with Shawn Stevenson about… Read On & Hear The Podcast →
Angriest Trainer 281: Why Energy Drinks are Bad for Your Heart and Your Brain
Vinnie and Anna check in for a quickie Thursday recap, discussing: Supporting our new sponsors by signing up for your… Read On & Hear The Podcast →
Angriest Trainer 280: Serena Scott Thomas and Mark Johnson
Vinnie and Anna talk to Serena Scott Thomas about the Gluten Free Expo, gluten free backlash, oil-free vegans, and fattening… Read On & Hear The Podcast →