Episode 2090 – On this BEST OF Wednesday show from May 2021, Dr. Bret Scher and Vinnie talk learning from your clients, nutritional advice, properly interpreting cholesterol numbers, the sugar and grain industries, lifestyle-based intervention, the Diet Doctor, your body’s use of fat, and more.
- Dr. Scher has been on the show before.
- Like Vinnie, he has a podcast and does consults.
- He is an excellent cardiologist.
- There are methods that will help a majority of people, but you tinker those methods to the individual.
- This is what makes consults so rewarding and keeps Dr. Scher and Vinnie learning.
- Some doctors stick to conventional wisdom; others want to be on the cutting edge.
- Doctors who see it the latter way, like they have to keep learning and improving, are usually the better doctors.
- Like for trainers, doctors receive very little nutritional training.
- Though doctors don’t usually deal with bro science!
- In the 70s, we looked at a cholesterol number as a whole.
- This is because we didn’t have the technology.
- Now, if doctors do that, it is a complete cop-out.
- We have so much more information.
- Do NOT feel satisfied by your doctor’s interpretation of the whole number.
- Look at HDL, look at trigs, look at LDL, look at the LDL break down.
- Guidelines are highly oriented to prescribing medication.
- Doctors get paid more money to do things quicker, even if medicine is involved.
- This is why doctors will just prescribe rather than go to lifestyle.
- Try to find a doctor willing to focus on intervention that is lifestyle-based.
- Doctors who avoid extremism are usually the ones to trust.
- The documentary launched on January 11, 2022!
- Order it TODAY!
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
- Link to the film on Apple TV (iTunes):
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- Link to the film on Amazon Video:
- It’s also now available on Amazon (USA only for now)!
Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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- Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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