: Episode 626 – Co-host Anna Vocino joins Vinnie Tortorich today to talk about children’s lunches, sugar, coffee, and obesity.
- Dr. Yudkin
- 1972, book written about the dangers of sugar
- Cool thing is back in the early ’60s there was a war between Dr. John Yudkin and Ancel Keys
- Ancel argued yes carbs, Yudkin argued sugar and carbs are bad
- K ration in war is still based off of Keys
- Keys only pushed sugar because it helped his wallet
- Keys himself did not eat high carbs
- “cereal is for the little people”
- Keys himself did not eat high carbs
- Sounded the alarm back in the 70s
- Check out interesting article and also Lustig’s speech here!
- Yudkin was ridiculed and shamed, but posthumously it is making a comeback
- Gladiators would stuff themselves with grains to get a layer of fat so when they fought they had something to protect them
- Your body treats fake sweeteners and honey and stevia the same as it does all sugar
- Agave syrup is sugar!!!
- Causes a reaction in your liver
- Vinnie puts one of three things in his coffee:
- Coconut oil, for a little extra energy
- HWC or some whole milk
- A little bit of kerrygold butter
- Coffee in and of itself is a flavor — if you don’t like how it tastes, then don’t drink it
- “Just put some coffee in your coffee”
- Remains bitter but eventually once you stop eating sugar and processed crap it won’t be so bitter
- Same goes with all ‘bitter’ things — your taste buds will change and you’ll miss out on less
- The fact that sugar changes your tastebuds is disconcerting enough
- Anna would rather see you pack a sandwich with hard boiled eggs and fresh veggies and such than something like a Lunchable
- So processed and chemical-y
- At the very least, nothing should be a processed food in a package
- Carrots, cucumbers, nuts, apples, peanut butter, eggs, etc.
- Just because food is from somewhere with healthy options doesn’t mean it is healthy
- Kids having a knowing within them if you start to awaken it