Episode 2091 – On this Friday show, Dr. Shawn Baker joins Vinnie for another appearance and the two talk benefits of the carnivore diet, shredded bodies and lifting, rowing, and more.
- Dr. Baker has been on the show before.
- He feels that he has been shadow banned on social media because of his views.
- It seems they prefer the vegan view.
- But he’s incredibly healthy and his been carnivore for some time.
- It’s tough because all Dr. Baker does is follow the science.
- Your political persuasion should not matter: this is about being healthy and feeling good.
- He is all-in on the carnivore diet, and is also a big rower like Vinnie!
- Before it was coined ‘carnivore,’ it was mostly called the zero-carb diet.
- But Dr. Baker realized “carnivore” was more accessible.
- He did an n=1 experiment and felt so much better eating this way.
- Dr. Baker’s diet is 99% animal products.
- Every once in awhile he puts life into living, but he loves steak for breakfast.
- This diet also helps those with autoimmune disorders — it’s a sort of healthy, sustainable elimination diet.
- The more he sees, the more he believes in eating carnivore.
- Carnivore isn’t for everyone — but for those that like it, they reap the benefits.
- He doesn’t do the same thing every day.
- But he likes to have steak and eggs for breakfast and early dinner or late lunch that looks similar.
- Shawn shoots for highly nutritious meals that are tasty and satiating.
- He is 6’5″ and 240 and might eat a dozen eggs and three lbs of meat in a day.
- Vinnie compares his body to Gronk — except Dr. Baker’s is better at 55 years old.
- This is certainly not the norm — most people need way, way less.
- The documentary launched this week, January 11!
- Order it TODAY!
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
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- It’s also now available on Amazon (USA only for now)!
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