Episode 2061 – On this Friday show, Dr. Sean O’Mara joins Vinnie Tortorich and the two discuss his research, discussing obesity, fighting chronic disease, cutting out processed foods, types of fat, and more.
- Dr. O’Mara is a doctor, and also attended Villanova for his JD!
- He attended Temple for med school.
- He focuses on the optimization of health.
- We can optimize people to a new level.
- This isn’t anything he considered as a doctor initially.
- We can optimize people to a new level.
- Dr. O’Mara had severe disease himself, until he realized how his diet and lifestyle could affect his health.
- Now, he is all about how we can make ourselves the best, healthiest, and fittest versions of ourselves.
- Much chronic disease can be eliminated with diet and lifestyle.
- Additionally cutting out processed foods was the most important thing for him.
- Check out his website here.
- https://www.drseanomara.com/about
- Dr. O’Mara believes in body positivity, as does Vinnie.
- Fat shaming does not help anything.
- However, both feel discussing the health implications of obesity are very important.
- Most with obesity suffer from other diseases.
- With obesity often comes other health conditions.
- Thus, it’s important to discuss the health implications of obesity and how we can combat those.
- The documentary launched on January 11!
- Order it TODAY!
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
- Link to the film on Apple TV (iTunes):
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- Link to the film on Amazon Video:
- It’s also now available on Amazon (USA only for now)!
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