Episode 2042 – On this Saturday show, Vinnie talks with phone-consult client Jeff Tudas, and the two talk Jeff’s story, avoiding carby crashes, finding motivation, using time wisely, willingness to fail, and more.
- Jeff is a huge Carolla fan.
- When he found Vinnie, he thought his story was very inspiring.
- Initially, he heard Vinnie say the best snack was nut butter and coconut oil, and this shocked Jeff. He became interested.
- To Jeff, NSNG® was too simple!
- He was a guy who played sports, ran marathons, stayed fit. But he was doing it by eating all of the crap.
- Once he implemented NSNG®, he had sustained energy in a way he didn’t have it when he ate carbs, and he didn’t have the crashes.
- Jeff also recently took to the stage as a comic!
- He’s all about pushing himself.
- Jeff found Vinnie during the pandemic.
- During this time, he looked for additional motivation.
- He heard Steve Harvey’s motivational talks and this really helped.
- “You have not because you ask not.”
- Sometimes you need to ask for things!
- You need a vision that is written down to focus on and you need to write down what you want.
- Jeff wrote down 300 things, and he’s hit about 20 thus far.
- Getting healthier is, of course, something he was interested in.
- “You have not because you ask not.”
- Jeff also realized you have to be willing to fail.
- You will fail at points, and it’s important to understand that and learn from it.
- It’s important to keep motivated even as you struggle to achieve your goals.
- Use what you need to keep at it!
- The documentary launched on January 11!
- Order it TODAY!
- It’s doing really well, including on Amazon.
- This is the most important platform at the moment.
- Please give the film a good review if you like it.
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
- Link to the film on Apple TV (iTunes):
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- Link to the film on Amazon Video:
- It’s also now available on Amazon (USA only for now)!
Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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- Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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- REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter!
- Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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- The more views, the better it ranks, so please watch it again with a new friend!
- REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter!