: Episode 576 – Ivor Cummins, a biochemical engineer, goes into detail about the Cholesterol Conundrum. Modern research has clearly proven that the root cause of arterial plaque is insulin resistance, most likely caused by high amounts of carbohydrates, not high cholesterol or high fat.
- The Cholesterol Conundrum video here
- Chemical engineer
- Was told he had to cut down his cholesterol
- He didn’t just listen to the doctor
- He dug down the rabbit hole and DID NOT lower cholesterol
- Hails from Dublin, Ireland
- His cholesterol was a bit high
- Liver enzymes (GGT and serum ferritin) were INCREDIBLY high
- He asked the doctors what this meant & asked them what to do
- They came back with very weak and unsure answers
- Because of his science background & his family, he did not accept this answer
- He values his health and this was not enough
- He started researching after visiting 3 unsure doctors
- He values his health and this was not enough
- He asked the doctors what this meant & asked them what to do
- Once he started researching, he found that very high GGT meant a reduced lifespan
- Gamma glutamyl transferase
- Liver enzyme
- High levels = high inflammation in the liver
- The liver has SO many functions, including making cholesterol
- Excessive alcohol raises this, but he does not drink a lot
- He found that high levels are associated with Fatty-liver disease which comes from eating too many carbs
- Around 30% of adults have fatty liver disease
- Carbs, sugar, and insulin resistance are the problem
- Around 30% of adults have fatty liver disease
- Serum ferritin is a marker for metabolic syndrome
- His was so high because he had been eating carbs and sugar & had this disease
- Ivor’s diet at the time:
- Quite a bit of pasta, bread, rice
- Tried to not eat fat
- He basically ate what the governments (incorrectly) press one to eat
- Although for the most part he followed the “food pyramid” he always ate butter instead of margarine
- More and more research showing that those who have high cholesterol are super sensitive to carbs
- Vitamins are important to regulate all these as wells
- 70-80% of people are deficient in magnesium
- check out PVC broad spectrum magnesium!
- People are deficient in K2 (those who eat low fat especially)
- Vitamin D and sun exposure are very important as well
- Fitness and cardiovascular health
- Disease conditions can drive Vitamin D even lower
- Blood pressure drops with good Vitamin D/sun exposure
- Arteries relax
- Sun Exposure increases vasodilation
- Normal sun is more important than Vitamin D pills, but if you can’t get out in the sun, do take a Vitamin D supplement
- Sun-related dangers are so so insignificant compared to the danger of cars etc.
- Also most sun-damage is fixable (melanoma is the bad one, though)
- LESS likely to have melanoma with MORE general sun exposure
- Ex: outdoor workers have not increased melanoma like indoor workers in the last 40 years
- LESS likely to have melanoma with MORE general sun exposure
- Also most sun-damage is fixable (melanoma is the bad one, though)