Episode 2376 – On this Monday’s show, Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss PubMed and the NIH “backing out of the room,” grocery merchandising, informative youtube videos, and more.
You can watch this episode on Vinnie’s Fitness Confidential YOUTUBE channel –https://www.youtube.com/@FitnessConfidential
- Anna and Vinnie spend a few moments talking about Anna’s pumpkin marinara and how she is taking pre-orders. (2:00)
- This leads to s discussion of Halloween, candy, and trick-or-treating stories.
- Then somehow this segues to Richard Simmons and nude-colored stockings.
- Anna brings up an article entitled, “Carbohydrate-based diet may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease: A pooled analysis of two prospective cohort studies.” (24:00)
- The link is to the PubMed website here.
- Vinnie feels vindicated but feels that government agencies are “slowly backing out of the room”.
- Vinnie and Anna agree that those agencies can’t commit to a decisive stand because of the origins of funding.
- Anna and Vinnie discuss the challenge of getting into grocery store chains and the immense expense. (30:00)
- Anna asks how are people supposed to learn what is better for their health if agencies like NIH won’t commit to a recommendation.
- Anna reads more from the PubMed article, and Vinnie gives her some pushback. (38:00)
- Vinnie goes over the “quality of carbs”, simple carbs, and complex carbs.
- He also goes over what leads to insulin resistance. (43:00)
- Vinnie plays an Instagram which is relevant to the conversation. (48:00)
- People get so confused because of certain things they hear on the internet.
- Some doctors find an item to hang their hat on, and that becomes the new thing (and point of confusion).
- The duo touch upon the difficulty people have when they are emotionally stressed or depressed and turn to food. (50:00)
- If you are depressed, please get any reliable help you can.
- Online services like BetterHelp or similar make getting help more accessible. (BetterHelp is not a sponsor of the show.)
- Vinnie shares one of his youtube videos regarding artificial sweeteners. (1:00:00)
- It clarifies the differences among various sweeteners and is very interesting! You can watch it here.
- He shares other video topics he’s addressing on his youtube channel.
- Don’t forget to check out Anna’s Eat Happy Kitchen Substack, too!
- The documentary launched on January 11!
- Order it TODAY!
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
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- It’s also now available on Amazon (the USA only for now)!
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