Episode 2167 – On this Saturday’s show, Vinnie Tortorich speaks with new listener Ashley Grimaldo about how NSNG® has been a family affair, the success of their journey, coming from a family history of metabolic diseases, sugar addiction, and more.
- Vinnie welcomes Ashley to the show; she is a “Mike Rowe newbie” and she gives some brief backstory on her journey with NSNG®. (2:15)
- She has dropped approximately 25 lbs. so far, and her 12-year-old son has dropped 40 lbs.!
- As a result, more members of her family have joined and are feeling the effects of better health, despite a long family history of metabolic issues.
- Inspired by her son’s success, Vinnie shares a great story about “Kevin” from his book, Fitness Confidential. (7:15)
- Ashely also shares how NSNG® feels different than other methods she has tried. (18:55)
- She and Vinnie also chat about sugar addiction and that it is a real thing.
- Her son has some great mindset ideas and is loving experimenting with food.
- NSNG® has become a family affair as several family members have joined in and are feeling the benefits!
- Ashely mentions her biggest frustration over the years. (16:20)
- Vinnie and Ashely agree that everyone needs to make their own decisions, but Ashley is grateful her son just is no longer interested in unhealthy foods.
- The documentary launched on January 11!
- Order it TODAY!
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
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- It’s also now available on Amazon (the USA only for now)!
Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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- Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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