Episode 2126 – On this Friday’s show, Vinnie Tortorich speaks with Roderick Green, a Paralympic athlete, and they discuss growing up in a competitive family, his various accomplishments, the importance of mind over matter, and more.
- Vinnie welcomes Roderick Green and they chat about Roderick’s many athletic accomplishments and rankings.
- Roderick was born without a fibula in his right leg, which resulted in amputation below the knee at age two.
- He was from a large family and the kids were very active and competitive with each other, so he was involved with athletics from a young age.
- Vinnie then asks Roderick to give more background about how he advanced throughout his athletic career.
- They also chat about the various controversies and challenges regarding materials for prosthetics and current testing that occurs for the Paralympics.
- They then go on to discuss several other para-athletes they find inspiring.
- Vinnie asks Roderick about the work he does as a mentor and about the non-profit foundation he’s established.
- This leads to discussions of mind over matter; both Vinnie and Roderick hate the word “can’t” and share some examples of positive change.
- Vinnie explains what he means by “F.Q.” (Failure Quotient), and why it’s important; Roderick has thoughts on mindset as well, including asking himself, “What can I do now?”
- Roderick tells Vinnie how a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting helped him get back into better health after an injury.
- Roderick feels great; however, he explains his frustration how even the experts for high-end athletes don’t even have all the information correct–and they are supposed to know the science the best.
- The documentary launched on January 11!
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- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
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- It’s also now available on Amazon (the USA only for now)!
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