Episode 2072 – On this Saturday show, we play a best-of featuring Nina Teicholz, who will be on the show again next Friday. On this episode, Nina, author of The Big Fat Surprise, joins Vinnie to discuss the LCHF diet, the food pyramid, and being persecuted by Plant Bullies.
- Investigative journalist.
- Friend of Gary Taubes, as is Vinnie.
- Believes in a low carb diet!
- Before going to LCHF, she had bone spurs and sinus infections.
- She realized this SAD was not the right diet.
- Before going to LCHF, she had bone spurs and sinus infections.
- Incredibly educated, amazing woman.
- A number of books and decades of research.
- Suppression of the science is why the Standard American Diet prevails.
- Studies that PROVED Low Carb was GOOD were hidden by those in charge.
- 7 Country study which “proved” low fat is good was a false, BS study.
- British Medical Journal backs Nina’s findings.
- Hears of plenty of situations Diabetes Association/Heart Association threaten LCHF Scientists with revocation of licenses if they teach NSNG.
- “inappropriately reversed diabetes.”
- She covered and was involved with the trial involving Dr. Noakes.
- People on plant based diets also largely misinformed.
- Additionally, they often defend their way of eating to the death.
- For example, Nina has a friend who has fatty liver disease.
- This is because she largely eats plant based smoothies.
- The documentary launched on January 11!
- Order it TODAY!
- It’s doing really well, including on Amazon.
- This is the most important platform at the moment.
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- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
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- It’s also now available on Amazon (USA only for now)!
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