- Out of med school, he was so excited to help people
- Attended University of Edinburgh Medical School
- However, he felt in medicine he was too focused
- Became a generalist, because he wanted to see how all parts of the body worked together
- Frustrated that most of his day was filling out prescriptions and handing out pills
- This didn’t even help most of his patients!
- His son, as a baby, nearly died from Vitamin D deficiency
- He thought, “how did this happen to my son, and how did I, a doctor, know nothing about it?”
- Many babies have this deficiency, and doctors don’t talk about it relatively often
- This started his mission to figure out how to permanently fix his son
- He ended up reading so much info that could help others, too!
- He finally understood the root causes of conditions
- Found himself with a TV show called Doctor In The House
- He has helped people reverse panic attacks, type 2 Diabetes, fibromyalgia, etc.
- A woman went from in the type 2 Diabetic range to normal in around a month period
- She also lost a good amount of weight in the process
- He did this by cutting out sugars and grains and processed foods
- Many of these diseases come from inflammation
- He didn’t want the fights on TV, but he also wanted to help as many people as possible
- Some tried to sway him from his ultra-successful approach
- People got scared from the other (wrong) sources even though his results were amazing
- Social media is fortunately allowing for the rapid exchange of info, so more people are learning about the good
- He has helped people reverse panic attacks, type 2 Diabetes, fibromyalgia, etc.
- Main factors for our health –
- Four pillars:
- Sleep more
- Move more
- Relax more
- And we need to cut out these junk, processed foods!
- Just released a new book, How to Make a Disease Disappear
- Already a bestseller, and one of Vinnie’s must-reads