: Episode 594 – Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino host this Monday edition of the Celebrity Fitness Trainer podcast to discuss starting on NSNG, a hippie stripper named Shady Balsamic, and the two also talk to young Eli about his ski academy, and his time spent with Vinnie.
- Woman Anna knows said she stopped eating sugar for 30 days with no positive result
- Did not feel better
- Likely there are a lot of hidden sugar and grains in her diet
- Hidden sugars in everything
- When people can’t lose weight or even gain it, it is likely as a result of hidden stuff in their food
- People often snack too much too
- When they eat hidden sugar and grains, you are now eating high fat AND still lots of carbs
- Call Vinnie to figure out where your hidden sugar and grains are
- Need to do good NSNG for 60-90 days for REAL results for a lot of people
- Ex: there is a ton of sugar in balsamic dressing
- Grapes and Bananas have high glycemic indexes
- The most carby of the fruits (and tropical fruits too)
- Macadamia nuts and walnuts are pretty high carb
- Rawer the nut, the better
- If you have weight to lose, wine isn’t your friend
- Drink the distilled liquors
- Drink them with soda water and maybe a few limes or a SPLASH of grapefruit juice
- Drink the distilled liquors
- Shady Balsamic
- Balsamic dressing is not always good for you
- Stripper v NFL player?
- We’re going to call her a stripper
- Eli Wolfson is a kid that Vinnie trains
- Is an incredible skier
- Goes to ski academy
- Combines school with training for ski racing at most elite level
- Goes to Chile in the fall, Europe for mid-winter
- This school sends kids to the Olympics, the World Cup, national teams, etc.
- Eli would get sent home from school with a training plan over summer, and Vinnie would throw it away
- Vinnie thought the training plan was BS
- Eli is super committed to what he does
- Eli went to Andy’s house to learn about PVC
- Next day, they went shooting and Eli was a natural
- Eli now will eat bunless burgers from now on
- Listener Barry has a friend serving in the Middle East who was injured (or so Vinnie thinks) and Barry does 20 good pushups a day to support him
- Anna does lots of pushups
- Anna can’t do a tricep pushup
- Tricep pushup is sort of a perceived effort, you will work triceps even with normal pushups
- Tricep pushups can give you elbow tendonitis
- Anna doesn’t do burpees with jumps because it hurts her knee
- Still will have pretty much the same effect without the actual jump