- Vinnie and Peter love eating meat
- Can eat a whole pound of steak and it doesn’t make you feel bloated
- Having a beer, conversely, has a worse effect
- Vinnie had half a beer and felt bloated
- Conversely, low carb scotch did not make him feel bloated
- Like any good movie, making FAT Doc takes time
- Peter is the director on this film
- He is an amazing filmmaker and Vinnie is lucky to have him
- We want to make sure we get this right, but we also are going as fast as we can
- It’s all about the hustle – we hope to have this out ASAP!
- This is going to be a fact-based documentary featuring many experts and the history of the Standard American Diet
- The first months it was slow going
- Now it’s coming together
- We can’t even use all the footage we got – we have too much
- Going to use some other footage for pilots for other documentaries
- Please check out the ad for Fat: A Documentary
- Here is the link (at least watch for 30 sec and share with friends)
- OR look below!
- We need this to get this film distributed