- Failure is no longer a thing
- Everyone is a winner
- Nobody has motivation to do well becaus everyone is treated like they do well even when they don’t
- For Vinnie, his motivation to do well in Theology class was to get to play football
- Failing is a good thing, and we should be able to fail
- It’s a great motivator
- Not everyone is a champion
- We learn from failure!
- Many people say they can’t get off the couch because they have no energy
- One of the men who spoke to Vinnie recently said before low carb, he had no energy
- Didn’t play actively with his kids
- Eventually, started going to the gym
- Now he has lots of energy and always wants to take it to the next step
- A lot of it is hormones
- If you are obese and eating lots of carbs your brain still treats you like you’re starving because of your diet
- You need to break this cycle, have your brain feel fulfilled and ready to work
- Low carb allows for this
- Fat is the best energy!
- The high fat part of NSNG®, is just as important as the low carb
- The energy change will follow the dietary change
- You will need to get moving because of all the energy you have!