: Episode 615 – Andy Schreiber joins Vinnie Tortorich on this Wednesday edition of the Celebrity Fitness Trainer podcast to discuss his upcoming show at the Pasadena Ice House and his feelings about answering questions on Twitter.
- He hasn’t been on this show the past few weeks because he was moving
- Finally lives in the 90210 proper
- Grew up in the Valley and lived there for awhile in adulthood

- Vinnie is making an appearance at the Pasadena Ice House
- People like Ellen and Steve Martin have performed here and places like it
- July 14th @ 8:30pm
- Vinnie’s Big Fat Show
- Not comedy but will be funny!
- Buy tickets with that link
- Vinnie used to do some stand up and host open mic nights
- Tallulah Tepper and Chris Laxamana will be performing some tunes and opening for Vinnie!
- Anna Vocino will be selling her book and signing books after the show
- Vinnie lost his mind at lunch with respect to Twitter
- Vinnie answers ALL of his Twitter questions
- He WILL answer the same questions over and over to help out the new listeners and new followers
- He does this unapologetically
- Today some people wanted to know what Zone 2 exercises Vinnie liked
- Jogging, cycling, elliptical, etc.
- Someone then asked if he could rank them from best to worst
- That frustrates Vinnie
- The best exercise is the one you are going to actually DO.
- Every person is different
- That frustrates Vinnie