Episode 2057 – On this Saturday show, Brett Lloyd joins Vinnie and the two talk his awesome health journey, including improving mental health, medical marijuana use, the carnivore diet, his recent lab work, and more.
- Brett has been NSNG for some time.
- He is now 60, and weighs 180.
- At his heaviest, in 2015, he was 289.
- He was also on multiple medications for depression, anxiety, and insomnia.
- The medicine only made him feel crazier and more obese.
- He was also on multiple medications for depression, anxiety, and insomnia.
- Breaking it down, Brett lost 94 pounds over three years low carb, and lost the last 22 when he switched to a carnivore diet in 2018.
- Overall, prior to NSNG, Brett felt deluded, unhappy, and angry.
- He couldn’t carry on conversations with people, he was unemployable, and each day was tough to get through.
- Brett is so grateful to his wife for sticking with him when he was sick and crazy.
- Brett also found that medical marijuana helped his mental health.
- A few days in, he saw that he was so overweight, had pale and gray skin, and he began low carb and walking then.
- Consult your doctor!
- He titrated off of all of his medications.
- Please consult with your doctor if you are hoping to do the same!
- Vinnie thinks this is especially important for medicines that deal with your mental health and stability.
- Please consult with your doctor if you are hoping to do the same!
- Brett has been carnivore for over 1300 days.
- He feels his life has never been better!
- Quite literally, he only eats meat and drinks water.
- Vinnie doesn’t do this, but he understands why it works best for some!
- Vinnie will still eat dairy and veg (on occasion), for example.
- Brett has gotten some bloodwork done in 2019 and this year so that he can compare.
- In 2019, his cholesterol was 174 with trigs at 63.
- Three weeks ago, it was 158 and his trigs were 51.
- These numbers look great, especially when you break them down.
- The rest of his lab work also showed incredible improvement, and he thinks his commitment to carnivorism plays a big part!
- The documentary launched on January 11!
- Order it TODAY!
- It’s doing really well, including on Amazon.
- This is the most important platform at the moment.
- Please give the film a good review if you like it.
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
- Link to the film on Apple TV (iTunes):
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- Link to the film on Amazon Video:
- It’s also now available on Amazon (USA only for now)!
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- Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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