Episode 2043 – On this Sunday School episode, Gina Grad joins Vinnie and the two talk making time for exercise, mountain biking, combatting litter with plogging, and more.
- People often need to make time to exercise.
- The best thing you can do is walk, if you’re not in the gym.
- Weight-bearing exercise is so important.
- If you aren’t putting in a lot of time in the gym, try to spend that time on your feet moving around — even if it’s not an intentional workout.
- In the event you are able, get on a bike or try to jog.
- Any type of exercise is important.
- Vinnie thinks plogging is a great idea.
- You are walking or running around, and you bend over to pick up trash and throw it away on the way.
- This is good for your health and good for the earth.
- Add this to your routine!
- You are walking or running around, and you bend over to pick up trash and throw it away on the way.
- The documentary launched on January 11, 2022!
- Order it TODAY!
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
- Link to the film on Apple TV (iTunes):
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- Link to the film on Amazon Video:
- It’s also now available on Amazon (USA only for now)!
Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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- Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
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- REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter!
- Visit my new Documentaries HQ to find my films everywhere: https://vinnietortorich.com/documentaries
- Please share my fact-based, health-focused documentary series with your friends and family.
- The more views, the better it ranks, so please watch it again with a new friend!
- REVIEWS: Please submit your REVIEW after you watch my films. Your positive REVIEW does matter!