- 5’6″
- 34 years old
- At 15 years old, weighing in over 200 lbs
- Was over 300 lbs, then right before she started her health journey, she was at 299
- Low point was right before having her second child
- Her doctor advised bypass, but she knew that wasn’t the answer
- She knew it had to do with how she ate
- Her sister in law showed her the NSNG® Facebook page two years ago
- She lost over 100 lbs, too!
- This journey has saved her!
- Only did it half way at first
- Lost weight this way because she had so much to lose, but realized she had to do more
- Rebecca wanted to be an athlete, this is what inspired her to go full-in
- Rebecca’s lost 150 lbs
- Her husband, everyone around her has lost weight
- She feels like she escaped a nightmare
- Now she’s an athlete and a whole new person