- Dr. Ford appeared on the show a couple of years ago
- Computer scientist specializing in artificial intelligence
- Worked on space exploration, now working on human performance and resilience in extreme environments
- We need to think hard about how we want to use AI and robotics
- Just because we CAN use it, doesn’t mean we should
- He is CEO for Florida Institute of Human and Machine Cognition
- Much of the work that Dr. Ford does is around improving and sustaining human performance
- We now can track performance which allows us to improve performance
- There are drugs that can simulate exercise
- For athletes, they would be performance enhancing
- For people who are bed-ridden or astronauts, these drugs are very important
- The most impressive records are those that have been held for a long time
- We can continue to increase performance — we have not reached the pinnacle
- As we get older, performance and health tend to merge
- As a world-class athlete when you’re young, you are not necessarily healthy
- The natural state of ketosis is pretty well understood and has big effects
- Exogenous ketosis is less well understood and benefits are not as clear
- They will be looking at this further
- Ketosis from liver production is a different state than if you ingest exogenous ketones
- Exogenous ketosis is less well understood and benefits are not as clear