- Pure Vitamin Club
- Pure Coffee Club
- Crowd Cow
- F Bomb
- Villa Cappelli
- Robert is a natural bodybuilder
- Vinnie was on his show, check it out here on his Keto Savage podcast!
- Most bodybuilders don’t do this
- Most use steroids and other products
- This is the healthy way to engage in these competitions
- It may take longer but it is so much better for you
- Also sustainable to have these ripped bodies this way
- Most bodybuilders think they need to carb up TONS then cut for 30 minutes of looking good
- Robert eats keto all the time, and this is what keeps him looking so amazing and feeling so good
- He’s been ketogenic for 5 years
- Robert eats keto all the time, and this is what keeps him looking so amazing and feeling so good
- Robert used to do high protein high carbs, low to moderate fat
- This is VERY inefficient
- Messes with your hormones, too
- The guys who do this look like zombies – takes the life out of them
- Things that come easy and faster aren’t usually the best things
- Realizing this removed the temptation from the steroid route for Robert
- He doesn’t take a lot of supplements
- Takes Vitamin D and makes sure he gets enough salt, potassium, calcium in his food
- Everything you put into your body matters
- Taking a wholesome approach is the way to go
- He takes his work outs seriously
- One of the big things is squatting
- For his chest: starts out with dumb bell flies, then onto cables, then bench press and similar things
- Doesn’t use more weight than he can handle