- Marie makes an appearance on this show!
- She loves all her four sons equally
- Mark likely was a better football player
- Vinnie was a great baseball player but his shoulder was too injured by football in highschool
- Her husband and Vinnie’s dad, Cy, has picked up the sax again!
- He used to be a studio player
- The original campaign is closed
- However, people can still donate here to make this film even better
- We’re working to send out perks ASAP
- We are trying to add new perks, too, including Anna recording your voicemail message for you!
- Also going to try to release little doc teasers starting in the fall
- After the episode where Vinnie discussed Oprah, people talked about her more on the FB group
- A lot of the photos of her are completely photoshopped
- So wrong to say eating bread can make you thin, and photoshop your own photos to ‘prove’ it
- At least show real results if you’re misinforming people!
- Photoshop is sadly a very powerful tool
- When people do NSNG, they freak out when they plateau
- They assume this means its just like every other bad diet in which you plateau then fail
- However, often plateauing in NSNG just means you need to make a little change or give it some more time
- Consults are great to figure out what to tweak
- Consulting the FB group can also help
- Also, a lot of the time you may lose weight and still lose inches or have clothes fitting better
- It’s normal to lose some weight and have several weeks of nothing
- Most important thing if you feel better
- If you’re plateauing for a couple months or more, that’s when you really need to look into the specifics of what you’re doing
- Some examples of reasons for pleateaus
- Salad dressings
- Too much of a good thing (too much HWC in too many cups of coffee)
- Many other reasons!