Episode 2134 – On this Monday’s show, Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino chat about telling the truth, the food business and the “Fancy Food Show”, staying cancer-free, and more.
- Vinnie and Anna start the show with Anna cooking while Vinnie gives her a rundown of the recent Saturday show (Episode 2132) with “Lucy X”. (3:30)
- Vinnie also recommends watching the motivational Instagram videos that he’s been posting; LucyX is mentioned in one of these as well. (8:29)
- LucyX’s story is very similar to another listener from a few years ago, who had the same challenges about telling the truth with Weight Watchers. (10:40)
- Vinnie and Anna then switch to chatting about Anna’s recent travels to the “fancy food show” (Specialty Foods Association trade show), where she had a booth for Eat Happy Kitchen products. (17:57)
- Anna had a lot of challenges with timing during her recent trip; as result, she offers up some travel secrets and food suggestions when traveling. (19:20)
- They also chat about some jerky products they have come across and are annoyed by how much sugar is included in what otherwise would be a healthy option. (22:20)
- Vinnie has turned down potential jerky sponsors because they have sugar in them. (24:53)
- Anna talks about meeting other vendors at the food show and what international vendors have been told to break into the U.S market. (26:23)
- Vinnie shares a similar experience with Ultra Fat when he and Andy were at ExpoWest earlier this year. (27:37)
- Don’t forget about the current promotion to receive 20% off; go to NSNG® Foods website for details and to order. (29:14)
- Then there’s a little chat about how to roast and oil nuts. (38:07)
- Anna and Vinnie chat a little more about “keto” foods, packaging and labels, telling the truth, and what to look for. (32:23)
- They also chat about some of the plans for the upcoming KetoCon in July. (45:30)
- Vinnie brings up a recent consult with a fan who has been going through cancer treatment; as a result, Vinnie shares his own experience and staying strict NSNG®. (47:15)
- Vinnie has been cancer-free for 14 years now! (49:24)
- The show wraps up with Anna finishing up her spaghetti squash demo with some suggestions and an “added touch”. (51:51)
- The documentary launched on January 11!
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- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
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- It’s also now available on Amazon (the USA only for now)!
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