Episode 2086 – On this Friday show, Nina Teicholz joins Vinnie for another appearance on the podcast, and the two talk shadow banning, how health shouldn’t be political, following the science, obstacles in changing the way you eat, and more.
- This is not a good thing.
- Vinnie believes he and others like him have been the subject of shadow banning on social media.
- Shadow banning is bad for democracy and doesn’t help depolarization of this country.
- When folks got along and could be respectful, things were better.
- Health has been politicized.
- This shouldn’t be the case.
- Meat was demonized, and those who ate meat didn’t care for the environment.
- But the science doesn’t support these positions.
- Politicizing it means that we don’t really hear or engage with the science.
- We see this in things like meatless Mondays and vegan Fridays.
- Encouraging children to go vegan while the science shows that this is not the way to eat for healthy growth and development isn’t right.
- And for many children, school is where they get their biggest meals.
- Studies have shown that children who eat meat do better.
- In Belgium, you can go to jail for feeding your child a vegan diet because it is not good for them.
- There, the science talks.
- Nina wrote a great op-ed on this. Check it out here: https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-the-real-risks-of-vegan-fridays-20220211-uvx5kccnkzfwpa6vr7kilfx52m-story.html
- You can also do your own experiment with your health. What makes you feel good? What helps you get healthier?
- The documentary launched on January 11!
- Order it TODAY!
- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
- Get it now on Apple TV (iTunes) and/or Amazon Video!
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