- Ken is huge in this community
- He is having trouble
- His practice burned down
- These fires are usually even worse than they look
- Ken has put out so much free content – we need to support him now
- Our chance as a community to show our support
- Please contribute directly to him here
- https://www.paypal.me/kendberrymd
- Even if you can only donate a tiny amount, it shows Ken there are people who care about him
- Dr. Ken has been on the show before
- Self published his book previously (like Vinnie!), now he is coming out with a new one
- Support him by pre-ordering his new book here (foreword by Dr. Fettke!)
- Completely disputes the keto crotch thing
- If anything, keto diet will help smells down there
- This is a smear campaign because keto is gaining traction
- Barilla (pasta company) was involved with this
- Anti-keto articles have links for ‘studies’ that don’t actually link to another page
- Makes it seem legit when it actually isn’t
- The internet gives us the option to really look into things
- It just takes 10 minutes to figure out the root of any story
- He and his wife make FB live videos
- Make sure everything he talks about is well-researched!
- Exogenous ketones are BS
- Works in mid-west TN – small, rural town
- Millions of Americans have been running around with undiagnosed diabetes
- If they fast before a check-up, their doctors won’t see how sick they are
- Doctors check the minimum
- Patients blindly trust them
- If your doctor won’t order a lab you’re concerned about, that is a huge red flag