- Vinnie trained a couple in New Orleans in the 1980s
- The man was a cardiologist
- They had a giant mansion with beautiful winding staircase as well as an Au Pair
- The Au Pair, Elayna, was always training for marathons in her free time
- She started to do triathlons
- She made a schedule and made Vinnie feel like a wimp
- However, Elayna also had 40 or 50 lbs to lose
- Elayna seemed SO put together, but her apartment was filled with moldy pizza and crappy old food
- Despite her amazing exercise routine and her Type A personality, she hid food and relied on crap to hide her feelings
- Ate all night long
- She had an eating disorder – an unhealthy relationship with food — binge ate at night
- It was bizarre because they actually never saw her eat in front of others
- Really sad
- For many, food is a crutch
- We have to be careful with how much we depend on food to help our emotions
- Food IS addictive, and this is unhealthy when we let ourselves stay addicted
- The good thing about NSNG is you don’t need to calorie count or do other unhealthy behaviors
- Most white potatoes are between 90 and 95 on the glycemic index
- 100 is straight sugar
- DO NOT eat white potatoes on NSNG
- For all intents and purposes, they’re a grain
- A yam is around 65
- Boiled sweet potato is even lower!
- An okay treat
- However, skip all fries!!!
- Boiling is the way to have the lowest glycemic index
- If you put it in the oven, it caramelizes and becomes extra sugary
- Mash with butter after boiling
- Sweet potatoes and yams should just be an occasional thing