: Episode 778 – The esteemed Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise, joins Vinnie today to discuss the LCHF diet, the food pyramid, and being persecuted by Plant Bullies.
- Investigative journalist
- Friend of Gary Taubes, as is Vinnie
- Believes in a low carb diet!
- Before going to LCHF, she had bone spurs and sinus infections
- She realized this SAD was not the right diet
- Before going to LCHF, she had bone spurs and sinus infections
- Incredibly educated, amazing woman
- A number of books and decades of research
- Suppression of the science is why the Standard American Diet prevails
- Studies that PROVED Low Carb was GOOD were hidden by those in charge
- 7 Country study which “proved” low fat is good was a false, BS study
- British Medical Journal backs Nina’s findings
- Hears of plenty of situations Diabetes Association/Heart Association threaten LCHF Scientists with revocation of licenses if they teach NSNG
- “inappropriately reversed diabetes”
- She covered and was involved with the trial involving Dr. Noakes
- People on plant based diets also largely misinformed
- Additionally, they often defend their way of eating to the death
- For example, Nina has a friend who has fatty liver disease
- This is because she largely eats plant based smoothies