: Episode 604 – Vinnie interviews Dr Terry Wahls, author of The Wahls Protocol. Dr. Wahls amazing recovery from multiple sclerosis is nothing short of miraculous.
- Has a therapeutic lifestyle clinic
- Clinical Professor of Medicine University of Iowa
- The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles
- Was able to essentially beat MS which she was diagnosed with in 2000
- http://terrywahls.com
- Her drugs could not help her and her condition continued to decline
- In 2004 she started experimenting using vitamins and supplements
- She ended up finding that a good diet could really help her
- In 2007, she had to be fully reclined and walk maybe 20 feet using walking sticks
- In 2008, she was back bicycle riding and living a pretty normal life
- Continues her Paleo diet and prescribes that diet to others to help with chronic autoimmune disorders
- Paleo diet and vitamins/supplements saved her life
- Added B vitamins, coenzyme Q, fish oil, etc.
- They seemed to slightly slow her decline, but it was still going on