- Pure Coffee Club
- Make sure you check out the new explorer series
- Pure Vitamin Club
- Villa Cappelli
- F Bomb
- Crowd Cow
- Sends enough oxygen to our brains
- No one explanation for why this happens
- Occurs for Vinnie when he gets overheated or dehydrated, on long days on bike or hiking
- His heart rate would stay at 102 for minutes after he was on his bike
- Don’t try to beat this
- Taking electrolytes helps, but will not eliminate it
- Don’t try to medicate with aspirin
- Check out the most recent newsletter for more info on this
FITTING IN EXERCISE (3:00 & 58:00)
- It can be difficult to fit in exercise in your every day
- Vinnie and Anna totally get this
- They both average upwards of 12hrs a day for just work
- You can fit in exercise over several hours, for 15 mins at a time if possible
- If you can only work out for 30 mins at lunch time, that is better than nothing!
- It was even harder for Anna before her daughter went to college
- Just gotta commit to getting it done one way or another
- Stay in Zone 2- makes it even easier
- Herb wants to know what is a good test of whether or not he is fit enough for something like Mount Whitney
- It’s a walk-up, so you don’t need to be able to rock climb
- Practice walking up and down any elevation you can find with some weight on your back
- Need to be on your feet, train uphill AND downhill
- Treadmill is good for uphill
- Downhill, you really need to find some downhill
- Vinnie does all of this in Zone 2