- Nick had his own struggles and realized he needed to get healthy again
- He resides in Finland, used to fly planes for the British Royal Air Force (RAF)
- Everything changed for Nick in 2008
- His work with aircraft just crashed with the economy
- This is right around where Vinnie’s life really changed, too – cancer followed by recession
- He and his wife have made huge lifestyle changes
- Nick has established himself as a trainer, his wife’s career has seriously taken off
- He wants to be in a secure place if another recession occurs in terms of financials and health
- Nick has established himself as a trainer, his wife’s career has seriously taken off
- In 2012, he had GERD, hypertension, metabolic syndrome and many other health issues
- Realized he hand to turn his health around
- Found a low carb high fat diet from a friend
- Went from 236 lbs to 196 lbs in eight months
- It flew off
- The block on the weight loss for Nick was dairy
- Some people cannot handle it well
- For Nick, a big part of this lifestyle is fighting inflammation
- Dairy caused the most inflammation with him, followed by other carbs
- If you are having problems with weight loss, try cutting out dairy in addition to carbs
- Nick has found his daughter is also incredibly dairy intolerant
- He also cannot use seed oils
- Used to use them to make mayo
- Stopped eating this type of mayo and the weight came off
- Realized it was the rape seed oil
- These are incredibly heart unhealthy