Episode 2225 – On this Wednesday’s show, we replay episode 266: Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss Dr. David Perlmutter’s book, Grain Brain, with him in his first appearance on the show. They also discuss gluten and your health, saturated fats, and more.
- This episode is jam-packed with great information about how gluten and carbs affect brain health and function!
- Vinnie and Anna chat for a bit about a variety of things, then welcome Dr. David Perlmutter to the show. (18:05)
- Dr. David Perlmutter is the author of the bestseller “Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers.” It’s all about gluten and your health.
- Gluten sensitivity may relate to 30-40% of all people walking the planet who have a significant inflammatory response when they consume this protein found in wheat, barley, and rye called gluten. (22:40)
- Gluten induces inflammation and inflammation is the cornerstone of everything you don’t want to get, like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and even cancer. (23:30)
- Your risk of developing type 1 diabetes if you have celiac disease is increased by about 300%. (23:50)
- Gluten sensitivity is an issue that goes far beyond a gut and upset stomach; it can cause joint pain, skin issues, and brain-related problems like depression and dementia, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive activity, and even schizophrenia. (24:40)
- People are misled that once they go gluten-free they’re going to lose a lot of weight, which isn’t true. Gluten-free food still has carbohydrates. (26:35)
- Fruit should be limited as well; Dr. Perlmutter and Vinnie suggest what is reasonable, as fruit is a very concentrated form of sugar. (26:45)
- We desperately need saturated fat; as a result, we have to revise the whole notion that fat is bad for you. (28:00
- Humans have been on a high-fat, low-carb, gluten-free diet for about two million years and it served us very well until the government decided to tell us that we need to go on a low-fat diet. (28:20)
- There’s this bizarre notion that you need to have your whole grains each day and it just isn’t true. (29:40)
- In 1992 the US government said we should eat a low-fat or no-fat diet and within 10 years of that doctrine, the rate of diabetes rose by 300%. (30:50)
- A recent study shows that saturated fat has no relevance when it comes to heart disease whatsoever. (31:20)
- Egg substitutes are detrimental to health but whole eggs are extremely healthful. (34:00)
- When it comes to dementia it’s all about the carbs, not cholesterol–the brain needs cholesterol to function. (36:00)
- When people go gluten-free, cut out the carbs and reintroduce fat, we see breathtaking things: gaining back brain function, reducing issues with ADHD, losing weight, sleeping better, better libido, and less depression. (40:30)
- Glycation is the combination of protein and sugar, which increases the production of free radicals and turns on inflammation, which is the cornerstone of brain degeneration. (41:10)
- Dr. Perlmutter explains A1C; there is a perfect correlation between A1C levels and the risk of brain shrinkage and dementia. (42:00)
- As much as 54% of Alzheimer’s cases in America could be avoided if people learned the impact of their lifestyle choices. (43:00)
- They also chat a bit about medications, especially for kids with ADHD. (46:00)
- They also chat about the relationship between doctors and drug companies.
- The documentary launched on January 11!
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- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
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