- He had jumbo shrimp
- Normally he forgets about shrimp as a main dish
- Tends to have chicken or beef or some other fish
- Had about 10oz of meat
- He’s eating like a bachelor when Serena’s away
- Some tarragon and butter – delicious!
- Now he’s thinking lump crab meat, but that’s expensive
CHILDREN’S VITAMINS (9:20, again at 27:30, again at 41:00)
- We are making a unique formula for kids
- Not just cutting our other formula in half
- It will have things in common, but children need different nutritional supplements
- 8 years old is not the hard cut-off, just a ball-park the age from which we recommend people take our current formula
- Need more for bones, etc.
- We are going to fit growing bodies’ needs
- Children’s vitamins normally have sugar – this is not right or necessary daily, we will not do that
- Chewable or gummy vitamins is like throwing candy at their kids – they also do not get that many nutrients
- We looked into making one capsule smaller but we couldn’t fit everything in
- As a result, to make them small enough, we recommend 2 vitamins a day
- Our recommendation will be one in the morning and one in the evening, but both at one time is okay too
- They also will dissolve in water, too
- Vinnie’s parents were teachers so he had some time to himself right after school
- Would go to the 711 after school
- However, he knew candy wasn’t good for him
- His parents told him it would make him sick and rot his teeth
- He would still only get one a week
- Kids, think about self-regulating if you can!
- Vinnie would make candy/snack money by working in his grandpa’s garden
- He would reward him with a quarter or two from time to time