- Vinnie and Michelle have known each other for decades
- She attended the Newman School
- Vinnie was one of her coaches in high school!
- Michelle does club racing, like Adam Carolla
- Has her own mechanic, etc.
- Wins plastic trophies!
- Got into fitness in the 90s
- Ever since then, she has been doing events like triathlons!
- From triathlons, went into an Ironman
- Vinnie got into weight loss stuff after he gained weight while working out a lot
- Work in health industry!
- Michelle was having real health issues
- Heart rate up, stomach problems, couldn’t breath as well
- Doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her
- Felt like her love for fitness was at risk
- Got sicker and sicker over the years
- Eventually realized it was breast implant illness
- There are about 63,000 women in this FB group dedicated to breast implant sickness
- Not a recognized sickness despite how many women suffer from it
- 467 documentations of cancer from breast implants
- Michelle is feeling better now
- Had explant surgery
- There are highs and lows, but the upward trend is great
- Putting in fake parts can make your body sick!
- Look like autoimmune disorders
- https://healingbreastimplantillness.com/