- Ali is a registered dietitian
- Uses functional integrative medicine
- Combines allopathic with naturopathic medicine
- She is also a certified diabetes educator
- Those who taught her really tiptoed around low carb diet
- Check out here books here
- In conventional institutional medical model, ketosis is not the norm
- Largely because people first learn about ketoacidosis and assume these things are related (even though they are not)
- Carbs are NOT essential like many dietitians are taught and then teach
- She spoke as a keynote in front of many diabetic educators
- Threw in ketosis toward the end and nobody threw anything at her!
- There is some acceptance
- She has been doing keto clinically since 2009
- So far, those in this keto world have maintained integrity
- Ali has a unique approach to keto
- Food is medicine
- Nutritional ketosis
- It is not just about what we AREN’T eating, it is also about what we ARE
- Metabolically speaking, quality is most important (chemicals are bad!)
- Carb control (less than 30 grams), then fat threshold for each person (less about macros, more about eating the right stuff)