Content warning to parents – Vinnie mentions a derogatory word in this episode in order to explain its origin.
- All of her family from everywhere is invited to Thanksgiving in LA
- Kansas City, Chicago, Seattle, Arizona all represented
- Gina makes some NSNG fare to represent the low carb community
- Her stuff is always the first to go – it’s rich, delicious, and healthy
- Bacon brussel sprouts, for example
- Vinnie knows Gina is an AMAZING cook
- She has a segment on Adam Carolla called “Eat Your Feelings” where she brings an NSNG dish every week
- Starbucks now has sous vide egg bites
- Big step above their cakes
- Delicious, but still has some bad stuff in it
- Chemicals you don’t need
- Adds to the product’s shelf life
- Also designed to make you crave it more
- Chemicals you don’t need
- Gina used to get eggs at iHop
- The scrambled eggs and omelettes made her feel bad
- It’s because they put GRAINS in their EGGS!
- People worry about things like tryptophan in turkey – this is not the enemy!
- It’s the pie, the potatoes, etc. that are bad