- Kristy was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer (for a second time)
- Her two kids were part of this t0o
- Her doctor said first cut out sugar, then grains to fight the cancer
- She thought she’d just be eating salad for the rest of her life
- Her brother-in-law had found Vinnie on Adam Carolla so she had already heard about it
- He had Eat Happy
- The two of them committed to NSNG
- Her brother-in-law had found Vinnie on Adam Carolla so she had already heard about it
- She and her brother-in-law went in cold turkey
- He cut out tons of Diet Mountain Dew
- Then, her husband went all in, too
- She and her husband use clean eating to heal their bodies now
- For her it was easy because it was a matter of life and death
- Went on FB, saved videos and recipes
- Ordered Eat Happy herself
- For most people who say they’ll do anything to lose extra weight, they are too addicted to stop
- People need to take on this attitude to get into it
- Once you get into NSNG, it becomes less and less difficult
- Kristy lost 50 lbs as a great side effect of NSNG
- Went from size 12 to size 4
- Now that Kristy is HEALTHY again, she is still doing NSNG
- She loves Vinnie’s coffee, too!