Today’s show features two amazing guests…Stacey Hughes, a listener from Montana, and Nikki Kimball, a return guest, who was a ski racer by the age of 3! Join Vinnie and Anna as they discuss nutrition, depression, women’s sports and in their typical fashion, go off topic and talk about guns and music. Zone 2 breathing techniques are also discussed.
Learn and laugh…
Stacey Hughes
- Fan from Montana who listens while on her tractor at Hughes Mountain Ranch
- Was on the TV show, “Last American Cowboy” on Animal Planet
- Became a dietician in 2002 and worked with cardiac patients, diabetics and the obese
- Saw a shift from “ Carbohydrate Consistency” to the role fats play in our health
Nikki Kimball
- An incredible athlete…won the Western States 100 three times
- Talks about her journey with depression which she was diagnosed with after college
- Was sleeping 18 hours a day and losing weight
- Found the right doctor and the right medication
Living With Depression
- Nikki shares that it is a lifetime challenge
- She stays in touch with her doctor so he can help her with medication
- Depression doesn’t “go away”
- Anna suggests a challenge to take 5 minutes everyday to sit down and quiet your mind, #AStillMind
Nikki’s Movie
- “Finding Traction”…premieres February 10, 2015 on PBS
- Film is about an expedition run Nikki did from Canada to Massachusetts through the Long Trail in Vermont
- Film not just about professional sports…it also covers women athletes and depression