Episode 2289 – On this Monday’s show, Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss the Mike Rowe podcast, colonoscopy prep, and bring on guest “Rowebie” John Schiaroli who shares how he is managing multiple sclerosis, and more.
- Vinnie and Anna start the show by chatting about things like NSNG® meatballs and gelatin in your coffee. (3:00)
- Vinnie mentions a recent consult in which the client asked about having a weekly treat. (11:50)
- Anna reminds us about emotional attachments to treats.
- If you are stuffing emotions by eating treats, when you stop the treats, that emotional stuff will come up. (17:50)
- You will eventually need to deal with those emotions–that’s the healthiest thing to do.
- Vinnie shares an update about a possible second appearance on the Mike Rowe podcast. (18:00)
- Anna shares her recent experience and prep for a colonoscopy; as a result, she and Vinnie discuss some of the prep recommended for the procedure. (23:15)
- “Rowebie” John Schiaroli joins the show and shares his story of controlling his Multiple Sclerosis. (36:00)
- John was diagnosed in his 20s and shares what he was doing before he started NSNG®.
- He shares what he does to manage multiple sclerosis, including reducing stress.
- He also discusses the conversation he had with his doctor about cholesterol. (52:00)
- They chat about how oftentimes, doctors aren’t fully aware of options because their hands are tied by corporate policy.
- Anna talks a bit about her bloodwork and cholesterol; as a result, they recommend the Cholesterolcode.com site, where you can learn more about cholesterol numbers and what they mean. (1:00:00)
- Anna refers to an announcement John recently posted on LinkedIn to help up-and-coming food companies. (1:05:00)
- If you want more info on MS, Dr. Terry Wahls has a fantastic story and is a great resource. (1:09:00)
- PLUS… Vinnie reveals a Pure Vitamin Club FEBRUARY ONLY special Promo Code. (LISTEN FOR IT!)
- The documentary launched on January 11!
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- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
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