- Pure Vitamin Club
- Pure Coffee Club
- Getting a blackberry was Vinnie’s first step
- He realized how addicted we are to our phones
- Vinnie thought, how can I use this addiction to technology for good?
- Using the internet, iTunes to help change peoples’ lives
- He also started writing a book
- Computers can help oneself and other people, and for free
- The reason that the FB group exists is because of Lonnie
- He basically runs that community of over 20,000 people
- Lonnie has helped countless people
- Also arranged some of the first NSNG meet-ups
- His mother has been really sick
- His mom needed to go to the hospital because she was in unbearable pain
- She needs medical care and the bills have been extensive
- Vinnie started a GoFundMe for the many expenses
- Please support it here
- Any help is greatly appreciated
- This lifestyle would NOT be the same without Lonnie, so let’s pay that forward
- She is close to death, and we need to do anything we can to help her
- Lonnie and his wife have really shouldered a lot of this