THE 90s
- Vinnie had some very weird experiences at Playboy and training others in the 80s and 90s
- He felt many a woman’s boob job upon command
- He never went after these ladies or anything like that, but it was already a concern in HR
- Women asked him to rub their boob jobs because they needed to for blood movement reasons
- Vinnie has always tried to keep business business, even when women did try to make moves using things like their boob jobs or sciatica
- For women:
- Many women worry about their thighs becoming too big from working out
- You might gain some muscle, but your legs will tighten up
- Lifting weights with legs is great for you
- It’ll make your legs look good and younger, too
- Best way to lose fat is Zone 2 aerobic activity
- Vinnie has trained many size 2 women who are “skinny fat”
- It’s often healthier to be a size 4 with muscle, you are still skinny but there is toning and lean muscle
- For all who are trying to make their arms larger:
- There’s a number of ways to effectively lift weights
- Go to Vinnie’s youtube to see the demonstrations Vinnie is doing
- There’s a lot of bro-science misinformation out there — make sure you’re doing things right
- You can and likely will hurt yourself if you lift too heavy too fast or are using incorrect technique
- Vinnie has no app to recommend
- If you have a heart rate monitor, great
- If you feel like your heart is beating too fast, look down, and slow a little bit
- He believes we do not need apps for everything in life!
- His own success has been app-less
- You don’t need apps for success!
- His own success has been app-less