THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill
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You might be wondering why I would review a book on a fitness site that has nothing to do with fitness. It’s simple. I found this book when I was 12 years old and I read it cover-to-cover. When I got to the end, I wondered where the secret for becoming a millionaire was. So i did exactly what I do, and I read the book again, making sure I looked for the secrets of making money. That was when I learned the true meaning of this book. Do yourself a favor. Read this book and become motivated by it. In my lifetime, I have read Think and Grow Rich at least 10 times just to remind myself of the lessons that we can all learn from Andrew Carnegie and his writer, Napolean Hill.
Disclosure: This business is built on trust and authenticity. In that spirit, we have an affiliate account and receive a small commission when you purchase this book through the link on this page. That commission does not affect the price of the book nor does it affect our opinion of the book. If we didn’t like it, we wouldn’t add it to the NSNG Book Club.