- This show used to be even MORE uncensored than it is now
- It got raunchier than it does now
- We had some awesome guests including Howie Mandel and Ben Greenfield
- You can, for a super small cost, purchase access to every show we’ve ever posted!
- One of the women who followed for a long time, who was trying to get pregnant, got pregnant after going NSNG®
- Going on 7 years now
- Vinnie has some friends who are really well off
- His dog began dying and he had to bail on a couple of friends going to ski slopes
- He was a little surprised they didn’t offer to cover his small share of the rent/asked for the money right away
- The real issue is how they asked for the money when his dog was so ill
- Very short, untimely and didn’t seem compassionate
- The real issue is how they asked for the money when his dog was so ill
- That being said, Vinnie thinks it’s important not to take advantage of your rich friends
- Even when he goes out with celebrities, he will pay a fair amount of the time
- Don’t always try to be so exact about what you eat and how much it costs exactly
- Ex: “well, I had fewer fries than you so that’s $1 less for me”
- When Anna has a birthday dinner, she pays for her friends who come
- Many of them don’t know each other, she asks them to come out, so it makes sense to pay for them
- Be responsible without being too terribly cheap
- Psyllium and psyllium husks are not good for you
- Like eating the husk of corn
- You do not need this fiber
- Another one of these lies that has stolen your good intentions
- Can actually negatively impact colon health/activity
- A way for companies to make money – that’s pretty much it