- What PETA really wants is for people to not own pets whatsoever
- They are absolutely off their rockers
- In fact, they’re listed as a shelter – people surrender their pets to them, and PETA puts those animals down
- We are a society that loves our pets – PETA needs to get over it, or become a big, non-kill shelter
- Good breeders go AFTER puppy mills
- PETA talks about puppy mills like people approve of them – they do NOT
- Vinnie and Anna agree animals should not be sold in pet stores
- But eating meat is where Vinnie and Anna disagree
- Eating meat, particularly when slaughtered correctly, is natural and not wrong
- During the holidays, there’s lots of sugar around
- Smells of caramel and cinnamon reminds Vinnie of the holidays as a child
- Starbucks is selling a peppermint latte
- May seem innocent, but it’s full of sugar
- Anna used to enjoy peppermint mocha lattes from Starbucks
- 63g of sugar in one cup!!!
- This is a chemical sh*!storm as well
- Don’t drink this
- You can make it NSNG at home!
- Melt some cacao, stir it in
- Add some pure peppermint
- Yes, it won’t be sweet, but it will get the job done
- Sugar cane is grown in the south
- Cut the cane and then burn it
- It’s very bad for the environment
- Kills and displaces many animals
- Growing agriculture can be environmentally harmful
- Same with growing cotton – animals die when they harvest it