BJ Moore says “..learning about the No Sugar No Grains (NSNG®) Lifestyle on The Adam Carolla Show saved my life, I know it!” BJ weighed 316 lbs in November 2015, he made the decision to not be fat when he turned 40 years of age and committed to the NSNG® Lifestyle……today at 41 years of age BJ rocks at 199 lbs.
Billy Jack Moore from Arkansas learned about the No Sugar No Grains (NSNG®) lifestyle while listening to his favorite podcast The Adam Carolla Show (ACS) and over a two year period lost 116lbs…….”Since hearing of Vinnies approach to diet and nutrition, I have been a healthier, stronger, more confident man than I can remember since my 20s. At 39, I heard about your No Sugar No Grains way of eating, I was 316 lbs, at 6’1″. By following your advice on Adams show, I lost 95lbs and weighed 220 lbs by the time I turned 40…and now, at 41, I’m as fit as I was in my 20s, and tip out at 199 lbs. I lost a total of 116 lbs! Vinnie you helped me find my health again! Thank you so very much. I think you’ve saved my life.”
Learn how to lose fat for good with a No Sugar No Grains lifestyle, print a Free 24 Page Introduction to NSNG !
Read ALL the No Sugar No Grains #NSNG – Before and After Stories here.
If you would like to share your NSNG story with Vinnie please email your photos and story to us here!
Join Vinnie over on Twitter where he answers all your NSNG questions @vinnietortorich
See all the “Stuff that Vinnie Loves” and uses on a daily basis !
Put some life into living and do it with enthusiasm! ⠀⠀