: Episode 978 – Journalist and author Marika Sboros (FoodMed.net) joins Vinnie for a third time to talk about more conspiratorial evidence that had surfaced since the publication of her new book with Dr. Tim Noakes Lore of Nutrition: Challenging conventional dietary beliefs, which details the world-famous trial in South Africa designed to discredit him.
- Has been on this show twice before
- Now also has a book with the famous Dr. Noakes
- Check it out at the link above
- It suits Noakes’ critics to try and discredit him
- He knows tons about nutrition
- Famous author, great doctor
- Strong believer that eating right (low carb high fat) can fix or alleviate many health issues
- “Let Food be Your Medicine”
- Has many LCHF resources on her site
- Believes in the strength of eating right
- Since the publish of the new book, the critics have gotten angrier
- It does not serve their interests for the truth about nutrition to come out
- They are conspiracists
- Dr. Noakes is a doctor in South Africa
- He was facing trial because he prescribed LCHF diet for a breastfeeding mother on Twitter
- Sugar and grain industry use their influence to strike again
- He has been found NOT GUILTY of professional misconduct, thank goodness
- However, the fact that he even faced trial for years
- Noakes was just trying to show that the popular held believe (low fat, lots of carbs) is BS
- Prosecution and persecution for his views on nutrition
- He tore out pages from his book which recommended high carb diets and carboloading for athletes
- The Lore of Running
- The best and smartest people are those who own up to their mistakes, and tell the truth when they learn of it