Vinnie and Anna get to talk about everything under the sun. Get to hear Vinnie go off-topic and Anna pull him back. And while you are laughing, you will learn about exercise, diet, how sugar infiltrated our lives and tons more. Go ahead…have fun and learn.
Good Samaritan Heart Symposium
- Vinnie was invited back to speak…talked about exercise and how it essential
- Gave history of how we got fat in this country
- Heart disease is not caused by cholesterol…caused by plaque buildup
- One thing all the speakers agreed on…if you are overweight, you are at risk for heart disease
Exercise, Diet and History
- Exercise – it’s imperative, we need it to live
- We are not meant to be sedentary
- Ancel Keys, an American scientist, did a study in the 60’s that said we should eat more grains and less fat
- By 1972, hurricanes had destroyed cane crops in the south and sugar prices shot up
- The U.S. started importing high fructose corn syrup from Japan as a cheaper alternative
American Weight Problems
- By the 1980’s, we began to see rise in obesity
- We were told a good diet had little to no fat, but our foods had more and more sugar
- This was considered “heart healthy”
- Sugar was used to make low-fat/low-calorie food more palatable
- We’ve become addicted to our sugars and seen a rise in childhood obesity
- We consume approximately 200 pounds of sugar, per person, per year
Vinnie Will be a Guest on the Carol Alt Show
- Ex-super model, Carol Alt, has a show on Fox
- Vinnie flying into NY on October 14th to tape show
- Listen in to hear air date
Book: “Extra Virginity” about olive oil
“Extra Virgin” by Debbie Mazar