: Episode 808 – Anna Vocino and Vinnie Tortorich talk bad songs, Vinnie’s friends, and dealing with “different” carbs on this Monday show. Are there such things as different carbs?
- Vinnie has a family friend, Bunny
- He is a HUGE fan of the show now
- Bunny has been having some health issues, but is on the mend!
- Feel better, Bunny!
- When people are addicted to sugar and grains, they will make every excuse for eating them
- They will try to make themselves feel better about eating them
- Ignorance is bliss for many of these people
- Sometimes, it is best to just ignore family
- Or, try to ease people into it
- Introducing Anna’s cookbook is another good way to show the joys of NSNG
- NO difference between simple carbs and complex carbs in regard to sugar load
- When you eat either, your grelin and leptin release go up
- Potatoes are BAD
- In moderation, sweet potatoes are okay
- Not every night
- Sweet potato tasted like a piece of pie when you’ve been NSNG for awhile
- Best veggies are cruciferous vegetables
- Berries are the best bet for fruit
- Also in moderation if you are trying for weight loss
- Vinnie has apple and cheese on occasion