Episode 2070 – On this Wednesday show, Andy Schreiber and Vinnie Tortorich talk Taylor Hawkins, the Oscars incident, decorum, and more.
- Vinnie’s favorite movie of the year was “King Richard.”
- He doesn’t watch the Oscars, but he’s seen clips and memes of the incident between Will Smith and Chris Rock.
- It is in part so crazy because Will Smith is such a prolific actor.
- This violent response makes you wonder — what is going on with him, and what happened to decorum?
- There’s also concern about precedent — comedians often cross lines and we can’t try to censor them.
- There were infinitely better ways Will Smith could have handled this.
- There’s also concern about precedent — comedians often cross lines and we can’t try to censor them.
- His acceptance speech also seemed pretty crazy.
- “Love makes you do crazy things” is no excuse for violence. Ever.
- And while his apologies were a step in the right direction, he did not apologize to Chris Rock.
- “Love makes you do crazy things” is no excuse for violence. Ever.
- That said, this was a bad joke.
- But these people are role models, and Will Smith must do better.
- The documentary launched on January 11!
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- This is Vinnie’s third documentary in just over three years.
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