- Vinnie had Michelle on the podcast recently
- She was a student of Vinnie’s back in the day
- Went on to become a physical therapist
- Races vintage Porsches on the weekends
- Got implants on a whim
- Caused tons of issues for her
- Got breast plant illness
- Not uncommon
- Doctors don’t talk about it
- When you put a foreign body in your body, your body may try to attack it
- This is what happened to Michelle
- Breast implants had indented her ribcage
- Explant surgery is becoming more and more popular
- A mass exodus
- Gina has a chin implant
- She loves how it looks
- However, she suffered from some autoimmune issues and wonders if these are related
- If she knew the two were related, she would take it out
- Check out her podcast episode here